TM 5-3895-373-34A.REMOVE - Continued.g.Attach two hex head screw caps to inner mostflywheel housing lifter holes.h.Attach chain assembly to hex head screwcaps.i.Attach chain assembly to chain hoist.j.Remove hex head cap screws (113),lockwashers (114), flat washers (115), andpressure plate (116). Discard lockwashers.k.Remove bolts (117) and lockwashers (118).Discard lockwashers.I.Use a plastic hammer to strike the front face offlywheel housing (119) to loosen flywheelhousing from engine block.Personnel shall stay clear of objects beinglifted during hoist operations. Do not workon objects suspended by a hoist. Aswinging or shifting load may cause injuryor death to personnel.Do not work on any item supported only bylift jacks or hoist. Always use blocks orproper stands to support the item prior toany work. Equipment may fall and causeserious injury or death to personnel.Do not allow heavy components to swingwhile hanging by lifting device. Equipmentmay strike personnel and cause seriousinjury.Exercise extreme caution when workingnear a cable or chain under tension. Asnapped cable or a shifting or swingingload may cause injury or death topersonnel.m.Lift flywheel housing (119) clear of engineblock and dowel pins.GO TO NEXT PAGE2-167
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