TM 5-3895-373-20
Perform the screed burner system tests whenever you
have a problem with screed burner ignition, blower, fuel
flow, or flame out, or if sent here by another diagnostic
Screed burner system failure can result
from improper operation. Refer to TM 5-
3895-373-10 for proper screed burner
operating procedures.
Screed burner system diagnostics are divided into three
topics. Which topic applies to your problem depends on
what happens when you try to ignite and operate a main
or extension screed burner. Burner ignition failure can
be caused by a faulty glow plug circuit or by a restricted
fuel flow. If ignition is heard and the burner fails to light
or flames out, the problem is most likely in the fuel
system. If fuel is at the trailing edge of the screed plate
and ignition was not heard, the problem is probably in the
glow plug circuit. Blower failure is usually detected by
listening for blower operation when the switch is turned
Fuel is very flammable and can explode easily. To avoid
serious injury or death:
Always wear safety glasses/goggles at all times.
Keep fuel away from open flame or any spark (ignition
Keep at least a B-C fire extinguisher within easy reach
when working with fuel or on a fuel system.
Do not work on fuel system when engine is hot; fuel can
be ignited by a hot engine.
Post signs that read "NO SMOKING WITHIN 50 FEET"
when working with open fuel lines or fuel tanks.
Refer to the following index for the location of the
diagnostic procedure that applies to your burner system
Diagnostic Index
Fault Location
Screed Burner Glow Plug Circuit ............ 2-342
Screed Burner Fuel System ................... 2-350
Screed Blower Motor Circuit.................... 2-370